As i read your answer you are just suggesting do this or this. I understand the problem, but I'm giving different things that could have gone wrong and can be tried. Sign up using Facebook. Changing the version setting during a session does not affect the current connection. Thank you for the link. The setVersion method will affect the jConnect default behavior for all Connections created by the SybDriver object. I have also tried jdbc:
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You can call setVersion multiple times to change the version setting.

I understand the problem, but I'm giving different things that could have gone wrong and can be tried. Did you try using the IP?

Sybase JDBC Driver and URL Information

I know m way too late but came across this question just now. View this book as PDF. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. The version values are constant values from the SybDriver class. Please check your connection URL. I have also put jconn. Link source that helped: Changing the version setting during a session does not affect the current connection. I have also tried jdbc: So, here are some things: Hi I am getting problem of not connecting to sybase database using jdbc.

For jConnect version 5. Thank you sybbase the link. Post Sybaze Answer Discard By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of fornakeprivacy policy and cookie policyand that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies. It should be jdbc: As i read your answer you are just suggesting do this or this.

Setting the jConnect version

If you are suggesting than stbdriver should be good to leave comment instead of give as an answer. Yes there are some rules you can say. New connections inherit the behavior associated with the version setting at the time the connection was made.

The setVersion method will affect the jConnect default behavior for all Connections created by the SybDriver object.

This request is ignored by servers other than Adaptive Server Email Required, but never shown. The default behavior of Statement. Thihara 5, 2 20 So its would be good if you can ask some of these points from Op to clarify in comments by doing this the question would be clear to you and you can write a very good and specific answer for that problem. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. I had tried to click comment, but it says: Post as a guest Name.

java - Not able to connect to Syabse database using JDBC - Stack Overflow

If you would like to request support from the server for the date and time SQL datatypes. Table lists the version settings available jbc their features. No suitable driver found for jdbc: The languages supported are: Sign up using Email and Password.
